
EMC币测试网挖矿教程 Windows 教程


Windows 教程

Windows 设备的基本要求


  • 操作系统:Windows 10 版本 22H2(Pro 或 Enterprise)或最新版本;Windows 11 版本 22H2(专业版或企业版)或最新版本 处理器:至少 4 个内核 内存:最低 8GB,推荐 12GB

  • 显卡:最低配置:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 8GB,推荐:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 3060 12GB

  • 图形驱动程序:OpenCL、AMD 驱动程序 ( AMD GPU ) 和 AMD 驱动程序签名、HIP 或 C UDA 驱动程序

1. 访问 EMC 测试网


EMC币测试网挖矿教程 Windows 教程


EMC币测试网挖矿教程 Windows 教程



EMC币测试网挖矿教程 Windows 教程


2. 安装和操作 EMC 客户端
下载 Windows EMC 客户端


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Click “Install“, select “Windows” from the list, and download EMC client.

EMC Client Local Installation

Locate theEMC-Win-1.0.13.exeapplication on the device. obtain administrator privileges and run it to install the program.

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As shown in the above image, users are required to enter their wallet private key and invitation code [Optional] to successfully log in to the EMC client. 邀请码:PHBI1VT1

EMC Client Mining Operations

The EMC testnet supports two AI computing power mining models for users:

  • CPU mining model

  • GPU mining model

CPU Mining Mode

Initial Setup for CPU Mining with EMC Client

The EMC client interface defaults to the CPU mode, as shown in the image below:

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EMC Client automatically detects the CPU core hardware resources of the user’s device and completes initialization and node connection status.

The information in the image above indicates that initialization and node connection are successful.

EMC Client automatically detects your device’s CPU core hardware resources and completes initialization and node connection. The image above confirms that both initialization and node connection are successful.

Note:Ensure sufficient gas fee in your wallet address before starting CPU mining(visit the Gas fee collection section);Otherwise, an error message “Insufficient Gas fee” will appear.

Starting CPU Mining with EMC Client

After claiming the gas fees, return to the EMC client to start CPU mining.

EMC币测试网挖矿教程 Windows 教程

EMC clients usually perform CPU mining automatically. The client must stay running to manage the calculation and distribution of mining rewards.

If you encounter any issues similar to the one illustrated below, please visit the EMC official Discord and open a ticket with a description of your inquiry.

EMC币测试网挖矿教程 Windows 教程
GPU Mining Node

Initial Setup for GPU Mining with EMC Client

GPU mode on the EMC client interface is chosen by the user, as shown in the following image.

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EMC Client automatically detects the user’s local Video Controller hardware resources, completes initialization, and nodes connection status. As shown in the image above, initialization and node connection are successful.

Note: Before clicking “GPU Start Mining,” Docker Desktop needed to be installed (refer to the Windows Docker Setup documentation).

3. Claim Gas fees from the Community

EMC provides gas fee distribution through Telegram and Discord communities. Users can claim gas fees once per day.

Claim gas fees from Discord

Join EMC Official Discord:

EMC币测试网挖矿教程 Windows 教程

Enter the 🔐|emc-testnet sub-channel of the Facuet Category. Post your registered wallet address to claim the gas fee.

Claim Gas fee from Telegram

Join EMC Official Telegram link:

Enter EMC Faucet test channel.

EMC币测试网挖矿教程 Windows 教程



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